
Trip duration

The first thing to determine is how long you want your trip to be. Do you only have a week off work, or can you travel for as long as you want? The longer you have then the more flexibility you have on where to go, and this would help you to go further afield rather than more local destinations. If you have enough time you may even be able to go on a multi-destination trip.

Trip type and where to go?

Next, you should have a think about where you want to go and what kind of trip you want. Do you want a more adventurous trip such a ski holiday, a city break, or maybe a relaxing spa destination?

As well as the type of trip, where do you want to go? Such as somewhere in Africa, a place in Tanzania, a more well-known destination, or a lesser-known spot. Looking online such as on blogs, or even on our website, are great ways to find inspiration on where to go for your next trip


Once you have an idea of where to go, you should then look at the weather and determine if it’s the best season to visit that destination. For example certain destinations are great to visit in the winter, whilst some destinations are best for the summer, or other times of the year.

Young woman backpacker traveling in Tanzania, enjoying a view of the crystal blue Indian Ocean


Some destinations are particularly expensive, This means that you would need a much higher budget to visit and it may take longer to save for your trip. The way to determine whether a destination is affordable to visit is by doing the below:

  • I check the cost of the flight
  • Then put in some rough dates to get an idea of accommodation prices
  • Then finally check on a website or contact us for guided trip to get an idea of the cost of living and prices of restaurants and food,what included and excluded within your tour plan.

Once you have done the above, you should then look at how long you were planning to visit the destination and calculate the basic cost. Of course activities at the destination will add to this basic cost so keep that in mind.

Flight availability

If you decide to book independently, you should then look at what flights are available. And not just if there are connections, but also how long the flight would be if it’s direct or not, and if the price is within your budget.

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